The Maryland State Bar Association supports its partner, the Maryland Access to Justice Commission, to fight for increased civil legal aid funding.
HB693/ SB481 is the only vehicle to fund critical and life-saving civil legal aid this legislative session. There is an urgent need for $14.6M to continue to implement the transformative Access to Counsel in Evictions law and provide increased general civil legal aid funding to serve Marylanders in other civil legal aid cases, including consumer debt, public benefits and abuse.
Investing in civil legal aid keeps Maryland families housed, safe and economically secure; provides a $6 ROI for every $1 invested; and works to correct racial and other inequities in the civil justice system. Civil legal aid lawyers help Marylanders prevent evictions, defend against foreclosures and ensure families stay together and stay safe from violence. They also help Maryland families access critical income support such as unemployment benefits, food stamps and health care. The lawyers defend against predatory loans and illegal debt collection practices and remove barriers to employment by expunging criminal records.
Please join us in urging the four Committees where this bill is assigned to issue a favorable report on HB693/ SB481.
Here are the links to the bills: and
Email or call your legislators NOW!