Amend LD 1575 - An Act to Promote Quality and Innovation in Nursing and Residential Care

LD 1575 Action Alert

We need your help. LD 1575, An Act to Promote Quality and Innovation in Nursing and Residential Care Facilities is being prematurely introduced and would sunset our current reimbursement system before a new rate system has been designed. MHCA is working with the Department of Health and Human Services on finding mutually acceptable amendments. But in the meantime, we need MHCA members to contact legislators and let them know that amendments are needed. 

We are asking you to contact members of the Health and Human Services Committee and ask that they:

  1. Amend the bill to allow for legislative review of the new rate before it can be implemented, and don’t repeal the current system until the new one is enacted

  2. Ensure that adequate and regular rate adjustments are included in the new system

  3. Provide sufficient funding to support quality and innovation

Click here to view the list of legislators’ contact information. 

Background on LD 1575:

  • This bill would sunset the existing reimbursement system before the new rate system has been fully developed

    • What if the new rate model isn't ready by January 1, 2025? 

  • This bill eliminates nursing homes’ biannual rebasing

  • Passing this bill would mean this committee relinquishes its authority and legislative oversight abilities to review a new rate system prior to implementation

    • The legislature would have no vehicle for further discussion if there are fundamental disagreements or concerns about how rate reform is implemented.

  • To be clear, we are in support of rate reform and our members are actively engaging in the various committees and councils related to rate reform, the long term services and supports needs assessment, and the innovation and quality advisory committee

    • However, the rate reform stakeholder process has just begun, and the pathway forward is unclear. Voting on this bill without amendments causes too much unnecessary uncertainty

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Details to be included in message to recipient(s): Name, Email, Address, Job Title, Organization.

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