Call to Action – Ask Your House Representatives to Vote No on HB415.

HB415 proposes significant changes to school safety policies by permitting 'school employees' to carry concealed weapons on school campuses. This bill raises serious concerns regarding public safety and undermines the principle of local control in educational environments. 

Under the board definition included in HB415, a “school employee” is considered a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, assistant principal, teacher, guidance counselor, librarian, teachers aide, coach, business manager, secretary, administrative assistant, janitor, bus driver, volunteer, or other employees on contract with the district. This expansive interpretation means that virtually any employee or volunteer with a concealed carry license could legally bring and continually carry a firearm on school grounds. 

A critical issue with HB415 is its lack of a requirement for these 'school employees' to inform the school board if they choose to carry a concealed weapon. The only stipulation is for the individual to notify their principal or superintendent, who in turn must inform the local police. This protocol bypasses broader community oversight and engagement, raising significant concerns about transparency and accountability. 

Additionally, individuals carrying under this statute would not be held liable for civil damages as long as they lawfully possess a concealed carry license and have notified all required parties. This provision could lead to a lack of legal recourse in situations where the presence of a firearm leads to accidents or incidents on school property.

 Schools and school districts already have the ability to allow certain school staff members to conceal carry in accordance with their school policy. This bill is unnecessary, dangerous, and takes local control away from our school boards. Call your House Representatives today and ask them to vote NO on HB415 

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