OPPOSE SB2214 Anesthesiologist Assistant

Please ask your Senator to oppose SB 2214, the legislation that would create new licensure for anesthesiologist assistants. We are all concerned about rising healthcare costs, but this bill would not provide a solution and could have negative consequences for providers and patients alike. As an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse, I am concerned about the lack of scientific evidence or data regarding the quality of care of AA practice or associated patient outcomes.


Please consider these points:


  1. There is no Anesthesia Assistant degree program offered by any college or university in Illinois. 
  2. AAs may not work without anesthesiologist direction and thus do not ensure greater patient access in rural and underserved areas.
  3. The use of AAs is an inefficient and more costly model of anesthesia services to our state's health care system.
  4. This bill is anti-competitive because it does not include language that allows CRNAs to directly supervise Anesthesiologist Assistants.
  5. This bill does not require AAs to comply with federal guidelines. This could contribute to Medicare fraud as well as increased liability to physician anesthesiologists.

Please ask your Senator to vote NO on SB2214!

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Thank you for your advocacy and support of the profession and nurses! Please watch for additional alerts regarding this bill and others.

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