Tell Your Senator You Support Tort Reform

What if we told you that the cost of doing business in South Carolina is significantly higher than it should be and it could be fixed? Taxes are low, but insurance rates are skyrocketing. Businesses want to come to South Carolina, but some can’t even find an insurance company willing to work with them.

 The problem? An outdated civil “justice” system that unduly places a massive financial burden on businesses, individual citizens, and nonprofits for lawsuits they have only a small connection to. 

And these outrageous costs to businesses are being passed down to South Carolinians who work every day to support themselves and their families. In fact, a recent study estimated that this system costs the average South Carolina household $3,181 each year.

Bottom line: Our state is losing restaurants and other businesses as our out-of-control system enriches a small group of plaintiffs’ lawyers at the expense of EVERYONE else.


The Good News?

With your help, the General Assembly can fix this problem during the upcoming 2025 legislative session.

Now is the time for you to speak on this important issue! We need action! Call your Senator and tell them that South Carolina businesses and families demand action to fix South Carolina’s broken civil justice system in 2025. Specifically, tell them that you encourage them to support S.244 that would fix our broken system.

Time is of the essence. This bill needs to pass out of the Senate early in the 2024 legislative session to have time to make it through the House and to the Governor’s desk.

Contact your Senator

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